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Providing Practical Leadership Advice

19 April 2023

I’m happy to announce a special guest feature for this week’s blog post. Dr. Keith McNally is a leadership coach and published author who has experienced significant personal transformation in his life, which he documents as a narrative in his book, Walking the Path – A Leader’s Journey.

05 April 2023

In my over four decades of leadership, I have found that if you are willing to share your knowledge there is someone willing to learn.

During my time in the Philippines, I met the Queen of Chocolate, Raquel T. Choa. She shared with me the long, rich history of her family’s love of chocolate and how a business was built from the seed of a cacao tree. I learned a very important lesson about how cacao trees are shaped for growth.

22 March 2023

Strengthening the success of a corporate culture is as easy as being honest, modeling exceptional behavior, and a full outright integration of “say and do.” YET, even in its simplest form, building a corporate culture that excels in upstanding moral and ethical values takes work. What I call the “Culture Cyclone” begins when leaders do what they say. Effective leaders of cohesion have a mindset that puts others before self and builds an environment where belonging, value, and commitment are constantly in motion. 

22 February 2023

Right from the start, my writing on this topic is not about whether a company should or should not offer a remote work option. I have “no dog in the fight.” However, I do care how company’s title the program and how they speak about it, as our words shape our world and give meaning to what we think, say, feel, and do. So, stop calling it work from home.

08 February 2023

In just one month, more than 2,000 people have subscribed to my LinkedIn newsletter, Cohesion Corner™ with Dr. Troy!. I appreciate your support and thought you’d like to know a little more about me, Dr. Troy Hall, and my work.

25 January 2023

During the Great ReCALIBRATION (aka the Great Resignation), 48 million people quit their jobs. People did not just quit and lay on the couch eating potato chips and streaming their favorite videos (okay, some of us did that for a brief time); they thought long and hard about how they wanted to work, who they wanted to work with, and how that work could be done.

11 January 2023

The last few years have been plagued with disruptions to our standard working environment. The pandemic with shutdowns followed by The Great ReCALIBRATION (aka The Great Resignation), mass work from home followed by mass forced return to the office. Organizations struggling to find a new normal in an increasingly competitive job market. Building cohesive culture fell by the wayside.

Dr. Troy has been honored to work with these organizations:

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